Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Just a normal Tuesday....

Thought I would start off the day and try and keep up with this blogging business.  I have heard that there are a few people who enjoy reading this and it makes them laugh.  Well my response to that is....GOOD!!  I want you to laugh because even though at the time I can't find what these children do as funny, when I look back on it I do find it funny too.  I am proud that my children have such life in them.  That they don't just sit around like bumps on a log.  They explore and test limits and they have such beautiful smiles when they feel like they have accomplished something (even to my dismay)!  I hope they never lose that lust for life.  I want them to learn right from wrong of course but I want them to explore this beautiful world God gave us and test limits (as long as I don't have to bail them out of jail)!
Now for a totally different subject.....potty training is a test of great patience.  It seems so simple to adults because we do it all the time.  We need to go to the bathroom so we go.  We forget that we too had to learn this.  I try to keep this in mind especially after I have been peed on or the fact that Kelsey decided to pee on the floor not three inches from the potty chair.  The fact that the situation has to be just right for her to WANT to go potty and the fact that she likes to go several times over a couple minutes and each time there is a teeny tiny little turd and she thinks that each time is deserving of a sucker.  One day FAR from now when she is older we will have a great laugh.  Now....not so much.

Till next time..........

Friday, January 4, 2013

Holidays are over.....time to get serious!

So now that the holidays are over and thankfully we survived we are potty training with Kelsey.  I wanted to start before Christmas but unfortunately Kelsey got the stomach flu for 4 DAYS!!!!!  We survived though and she was kind in getting to the toilet before any messes were made.  After all that stopped we started on the potty training adventure.  She has been doing well and is getting the basics and learning what she needs to do and she will do ANYTHING for a sucker.  This morning she refuses  to put on clothing or even a pull-up so now I have a naked child sitting on the couch and I am praying to GOD that she doesn't have any accidents.  She is determined so I am letting her have her way.  She is such a silly girl sometimes and it's nice that she has gotten out of her constantly angry stage of life into the I am fine and happy as long as you don't mess with me phase!
Kelsey has a problem with getting the salt and pepper shakers and pouring them out on the table (this is one of many problems but we won't get into the fact that every surface of my house has crayon on it).  She got smart and thought she knew everything and decided to get the Tony Chacheres and pour out on the table and then rub in her eyes.  It was a bad decision on her part as it is spicy which means that it burns and well after flushing out her eyes and giving her lots of hugs she is all better.  I mean what is wrong with her sometimes.  I say no I take it away I put it out of her reach but it's like she just waits for the moment it's out and takes her chances.  She has however learned a valuable lesson and hopefully there will be no more spices poured out again.  We shall see.
Wyatt is a potty trained trooper and he is trying to encourage Kelsey which is helping.  He doesn't even realize that we wake him up at 10:00pm every night and make him go potty.  I see a future sleep walker in our future.  When should we stop doing this? I really don't want there to be any night time accidents because that just creates more laundry for me and if you've ever seen my house that is one thing I don't need (THANKS WHIRLPOOL FOR CREATING SUCH A CRAPPY WASHER).
Rachel is already looking forward to turning 10 and I have to frantically tell her evertime that I am not looking forward to this and it's not till August so quit trying to grow up so fast.  Where has the time gone?  I mean Wyatt is about to be 4.  It doesn't seem right!
Wyatt is all geared up for his 4th birthday party.  He is making demands and telling me what he wants and I will try and make this a blown up awesome Dinosaur party!  He LOVES Dinosaurs!  I have rambled and this unorganized blog post is close to it's end.  Hope you enjoyed.  Comment, leave me advice or questions whatever!

Till next time...........

Friday, October 19, 2012

Sticky situations........

Well Kelsey and Wyatt are at it again as always.  They sure do keep me on my toes.  Today was more peanut butter as in they had gotten a jar each and were chowing down as fast as they could.  These kids just don't know when to stop even though they keep getting in trouble for it.  They are peanut butter addicts.
I really try to be in the right mind frame when I write these so that I am happy and silly about all the chaos that happens but today just isn't the day.  It's nothing the kids have done it's just the mood I'm in.  You know when things don't go the way you want them to and then you wonder why you can't succeed and why things have to be so hard sometimes.  We're not rich (that's not a secret).  We have struggled so much the last 2 years.  I continue to pray and just trust that God has a greater plan for us in the long run we just have to trust him and be patient.  As you know patience isn't my forte, but I'm trying.  Somedays just are harder than others.  Don't get me wrong.  The kids are well provided for and we are doing okay.  The kids are happy and that's what matters most.  I just get discouraged sometimes but I keep on keeping on and just hold my head up as high as I can.  Enough unloading on you guys.
Next time I write I will be in the silly mood I always am just hang in there and thanks for reading.

Till next time...........

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sometimes PB&J isn't a good thing........

Lots of things have changed in the Crowder House lately......
Hope had to go back to the rescue.  Not because I didn't get along with her but the kiddos and even Josh were getting snapped at by her.  She wasn't at all what the rescue said she would be.  They said that she liked her kiddy pool she didn't.  They said she could be around other animals.  Turns out she can't and she was supposed to be lovable and sweet.  She wasn't.....She seemed happy to be back at the rescue and that's all I can ask for.  It's sad because I got along with her well but it isn't just about me.
One a bright note...we got a dog from the Flower Mound Animal Shelter.  He is older and named Sparky (like the dog in Frankenweenie).  He goes to the vet today to get checked out.  He is calm and very patient with the kiddos.  He is lovable and doesn't chew on anything and he is potty trained and everybody loves him already.  He is a chow mix.  We think he is the perfect addition to our family.

On with the reason for the title....
I went to the bathroom (are we seeing a pattern in the children's behavior) and I come out and they are in the kitchen sink.  They had gotten the peanut butter jar and the jelly jar.  Opened it smeared it everywhere and they were trying to clean up the evidence poorly.  Why oh why?  They had plates full of lunch untouched.  Who decided this would be a good idea?  Well I will leave you with this....after changing clothes cleaning their entire bodies I don't think we will be eating PB&J for a long time.

Till next time...........

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I know this may make me seem old but sometimes I get concerned.  Should a 2 year old and a 3 year old know how to pull up Netflix and watch a show all by themselves.  Now before you judge and say, "They could pull up something bad how dare you let them do this!" I don't LET them do anything.  I am sitting right here watching them do this because it astounds me that they have so much knowledge of a computer.  I didn't even know what a computer was at their age.  Is technology sucking the creativity and lively hood right out of our children?  Are we looking at a future with no conversations and neck problems from children looking down at the closest phone, iPad or other hand held devices?

The pediatrician looks down on me because I let Wyatt use my phone during a doctors visit but come on guys you would too if you were at the doctor with 3 children trying to listen to the doctor and trying to keep them from destroying the littlest room in the world.  I let Kelsey and Rachel use my phone too.

Don't worry though folks because Kelsey and Wyatt always have enough time to find something to get into like the ink pen Kelsey found.  You know how I know she found it?  Ink on her mouth and hands.
Wyatt still has time to sneak into my study and find the jellybeans.  Want to know how I know?  Jellybean juice running down his (and Kelsey's his sidekick) chin and their chipmunk cheeks.  They still have time to climb the DVD rack like a ladder and try to imitate King Kong (it's hilarious and dangerous all at the same time).

Josh and I still read to our children at night and give them lots of love.  I still spend time each day doing flash cards with ALL the kids (various subjects for each) and teach Wyatt how to write his name.  I'm not perfect and I think you should all know by now that my children aren't either.  We yell and cry and throw fits with the best of them out there in the world but we love each other.

I really don't have any point to this post just various thoughts coming out and a little amusement mixed in.  Thanks for reading.

Till next time...........

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Smells like a clean baby's butt.......

So today just a few minutes ago I was upstairs going potty and Wyatt and Kelsey went downstairs.  I didn't think much of it except that they were awful quiet.  So I decided to go check on them.  They had found a bottle of baby powder............do you see where this is going????
They emptied the bottle out all over the downstairs floors but Kelsey always leaves a little on HER FACE so I know which one did the most work.

Not such an angel now is she?  I love them anyways and hey the house smells good......even if it does smell like a baby's butt at least it's a clean one right!?!?
Now to go clean up the mess.  

Till next time.............

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Be a member....Drink the Koolaid.....

Okay that was a weird title for this post but whatever my kids get their weirdness from their DAD.....maybe a little from me haha.  So if you want to automatically get an email when I update you should be a member of my blog.  That would make me feel special.....

Also feel free to comment on these posts.  Or not or do.........whatever floats your boat......

So can you tell I have discovered how to put pictures in my blog posts.  I know it's lame but I find it fun.  So drink the koolaid and join this blog or comment or lurk as usual.  I appreciate it all.

This is just a side post.  There is a post after this that is the update on the kiddos.  Till next time......